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How to pull The Led Light Strip Into The Led Channel System

يتم تطبيق شرائط LED على نطاق واسع، إذا أضفت الناشر، فلن يكون فقط مضادًا للاتساخ، ولكن أيضًا مقاوم للماء، سيوضح لك هذا الفيديو كيفية سحب شريط ضوء LED إلى نظام قناة LED

You can use an air compressor and an air gun if you want to put the lamp belt through the silicone sleeve.

At present, most manufacturers have air compressors and air guns to level the casing pipe and the light strip (if it is not flat, it is easy to bend the light strip. At this time, if you pull hard, it will cause the sharp edge of the light strip to cut off the inner wall of the casing pipe so that the light strip cannot be pulled out). The operators at the front end need to fix the rope on the light strip in the traditional way.

At this time, because the front end needs to pull out a section of the rope for fixation, the end has no rope to pull. The front end operator can use the hardness of the pcb light strip to slightly insert a section of the rope into the inner tube of the silicone sleeve of the LED neon light to make up the length of the rope for fixing the light strip.

At this time, the rope is very soft and has no supporting force. it should be noted that the volume and weight of the rope are very small. You need to use the nozzle of the air gun to aim at the inner tube of the silicone sleeve of the LED neon light (you can extend a little into the nozzle). Press the switch, and the high-pressure gas will rush to the end along the inner tube of the silicone sleeve.

Pull The Led Light Strip Into The Led Channel System
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