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RGB LED Strip--Digital With IC Pixel Addressable COB LED Strip Lights

What is COB RGB LED Strip lights?

RGB pixel led IC addressble cob strip lights place IC chips to beads of the RGB type, where each IC chip matches a pixel point. the color or brightness of each pixel point can be adjustable, it can achieve rich animation effects like horse-running, watercourse, the tail of a shooting star, scanning, etc.


Addressable led strips With unique built-in IC chip, the digital led strips cob lights is able to display multi colors at one time like a rainbow. Instantly transform your projects dreamful effect with hundreds of brilliant light show.

Avaliable 16 million colors, the RGB strip lights offer you vivid lighting ambience; Multiple scenes optional on application meet your various needs anywhere; Enjoy the fun of dyeing colors by scenes with led color changing lights.

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RGB LED Strip–Digital with IC Pixel Addressable COB LED Strip Lights