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LED Driver Switching Power Supply Transformer Adapter For led lights

Great for LED Strips, 3D Printer, ham radio transceiver, CCTV cameras, audio amplifier, wireless router, ADSL Cats, HUB, audio/ video power supply. Indoor use only!

About this item:
Input: 110V or 220V AC; Output: DC 12V or 24v or 5v. Three sets of output Channel.
Safety features: Automatic overload cut-off, over Voltage cut-off, automatic thermal cut-off, short circuit protection.
Voltage consistency: There is no voltage fluctuations to speak of at power on, during transmit, receive, or at power off.
It comes with built-in cooling fan and temperature detector. Cooling fan will not run until the inner temperature reaches 113°F (45?), which makes heat dissipation more efficient.

Kindly note :

We suggest the max use of power should be no more than 80% of the full loads, otherwise,the power supply’s spanlife will be shortened. for example, recommend you to use this 12V 30A 360W power supply to power devices less than 288W.
110V/220V must be selected by switch before using to avoid damaging. Please change the switch to 110V for USA/CA and 220V for EUR.

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LED Driver Switching Power Supply Transformer Adapter for LED Lights