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Red LED Strip Lights-- Red Cob Led Light Strip

Red cob led strip lights Specification

LED-tyyppi: COB LED-nauhavalot
Pituus: 16,4 jalkaa / 5 metriä
LED-määrä: 320/384/384/528 kpl lediä per metri
Lähtö: DC 12V tai 24V
Teho: 8W/10W/10W/14W per metri
Ra: 90+

What is red COB LED Strip Lights? first let's understand what is the COB LED Strip Lights?

COB stands for Chips on Board, which means that the chip is directly packaged on the PCB. The COB light strip is a light strip that encapsulates the chip on a flexible board. Chips mostly use flip-chips, which are linearly solid-bonded on the PCB, and then a layer of packaging glue mixed with phosphor is directly dropped on the surface of the chip.

 The appearance resembles a piece of ramen glued to the PCB board. The light emitted by the chip is refracted, reflected, and interacted with the phosphor inside the encapsulating gel. The gel uniformly emits light of different colors and color temperatu.


Red LED Strip Lights
Red LED Strip Lights-- Red Cob Led Light Strip


1. COB:n uusi tekniikka: Tätä COB-LED-nauhavaloa voidaan taivuttaa ja jakaa samalla, kun se tarjoaa korkeamman kirkkauden ja pehmeämmän, pistettömän valaistuksen verrattuna perinteisiin nauhavaloihin.

2. Kestävä lineaarinen valaistus: COB-valonauhan rakenteellisista ominaisuuksista johtuen valoa emittoiva pinta on lineaarinen kolloidi, COB-valonauhan lähettämän valon tulisi olla paljon tasaisempaa, lineaarisempaa eikä täplää.

3. 360° kierto, yhdistäminen ja leikkaus: lineaarinen valaistus jakautuu tasaisesti, 180° sädekulman muotoilu, ei tarvitse huolehtia tummista pisteistä. LED-nauhaa voidaan taivuttaa mihin tahansa kulmaan (esimerkiksi ±90° tai kahdesti). Linkitettävät ja leikattavat toiminnot tarjoavat sinulle suurta joustavuutta, jolloin voit saada tarvitsemasi pituuden ja muodon. Vahvimman 3M-liiman ansiosta 8 mm:n leveys on helppo asentaa kapeisiin paikkoihin.

Red is a warm, impulsive, and powerful color. It can speed up muscle function and blood circulation. Because red is easy to attract attention, it is also widely used in various media. In addition to having a better visual effect, it is also used to convey the corporate image and meaning of vitality, positivity, enthusiasm, warmth, and progress. In addition, red is also often used as the color of warning, danger, prohibition, fire prevention, etc. When people see the red label on some occasions or objects, they often do not have to read the content carefully, and can understand the meaning of warning danger. Among the safety colors, red is the designated color for warning, danger, prohibition, and fire prevention.

Deep red is generally used for eye-catching, such as red flags and a little red in the green bush; light red is generally gentle and tender, such as: new house decoration, children’s clothing, etc.; dark red can generally be used as a foil, and there are relatively deep and warm feel.

Red and light yellow are the best match, big red repels green, orange, and blue (especially the darker blue), and it is a neutral match with cream and gray.

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Red LED Strip Lights– red cob led light strip review