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D13 mm-es legvékonyabb 360 fokos kerek csíkok

Elevate your lighting experience with the D13mm Thinnest 360-Degree Round Strips, a versatile and customizable solution that offers immersive illumination in a compact and stylish design. Featuring high-quality silicone material and warm white LED strips, this product provides a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a wide range of applications.

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D13mm thinnest 360-degree round strips
D13mm thinnest 360-degree round strips

Seamless 360-Degree Illumination

The D13mm Thinnest 360-Degree Round Strips are designed to emit light uniformly in all directions, ensuring a seamless and consistent glow without any dark spots. Whether used for accent lighting, mood setting, or decorative purposes, these strips offer versatile lighting options that can transform any space with their ambient illumination.

Kiváló minőségű szilikon ház

A prémium szilikon anyagból készült LED szalagos lámpák külső rétege tartósságot és védelmet nyújt:

  • Tartósság: The silicone material is long-lasting and resistant to wear and tear, ensuring the longevity of the LED strip.
  • Tűz- és vízálló: With excellent fire resistance and waterproof properties, the silicone enclosure provides safety and reliability for indoor and outdoor use.

Warm White LED Strip for Ambiance

Inside the silicone tube, the warm white LED strip creates a cozy and welcoming atmosphere:

  • Hangulatjavítás: The warm white light adds a soft and inviting glow, perfect for creating a relaxing and comfortable environment.
  • Sokoldalú felhasználás: Ideal for a variety of settings, including residential spaces, hospitality venues, and decorative applications where a warm ambiance is desired.

Kompatibilitás különböző LED szalagokkal

The D13mm Thinnest 360-Degree Round Strips can also accommodate other single-color LED strips, such as COB LED strips:

  • Nagy sűrűség és konzisztencia: A COB LED szalagok nagy sűrűségű megvilágítást biztosítanak minimális foltozással, így kiváló konzisztenciát és egyenletes világítást biztosítanak.
  • Testreszabási lehetőségek: Customers can choose from a range of LED strip options, including RGB, RGBW, and RGBIC strips, to create vibrant and dynamic lighting effects.

Compact Design for Easy Installation

With a slim 13mm diameter, the silicone tube of the round strips is compact and flexible, allowing for easy shaping and installation:

  • Stylish and Versatile: The compact design of the silicone tube adds a touch of elegance and versatility to any lighting project.
  • Adaptable to Small Spaces: Suitable for use in narrow or confined spaces where traditional lighting fixtures may not fit.

Full Set of Materials or Custom Assembly

YIFORD offers a full set of materials for customers to assemble the round strips themselves, providing flexibility and customization options:

  • DIY összeállítás: Customers can enjoy the process of assembling the LED strips according to their preferences and requirements.
  • Testreszabási szolgáltatások: Azok számára, akik előnyben részesítik az előre összeszerelt termékeket, a YIFORD testreszabási szolgáltatásokat kínál az ügyfelek egyedi igényeinek és specifikációinak megfelelően.

Alkalmazások és használati esetek

The D13mm Thinnest 360-Degree Round Strips are ideal for a variety of applications, including:

  1. Otthoni világítás: Create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in living rooms, bedrooms, and dining areas with warm white ambient lighting.
  2. Hospitality Settings: Enhance the ambiance of hotels, restaurants, and cafes with subtle and elegant illumination.
  3. Dekoratív világítás: Add a touch of sophistication to interior design projects, displays, and artistic installations with versatile and customizable LED lighting.
  4. Event and Occasional Lighting: Set the mood for special events, parties, and celebrations with ambient and stylish illumination.

Experience the beauty and versatility of the D13mm Thinnest 360-Degree Round Strips, where warm white LED lighting meets high-quality silicone craftsmanship. Whether you choose warm white or opt for other color options, these LED strips offer a unique and customizable lighting solution to elevate any space. Contact YIFORD today to explore the possibilities and bring your lighting vision to life.

Fedezzen fel további világítási lehetőségeket

Ha érdeklik a 360 fokban megvilágított, 13 mm átmérőjű termékek, feltétlenül nézze meg másik videónkat, amely bemutatja a Dia 13 mm-es 360 fokos kerek LED szalaglámpákat további világítási lehetőségekért és inspirációért.


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D13 mm-es legvékonyabb 360 fokos kerek csíkok