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Green LED Strip Lights-- Green COB Light Strips Review

Green could bring the fresh and confortable mood, green led strip lights is useful, Green cob fob led strip light color effect show, What is green cob led strip lights? cob light strips details:

LED Tipi: COB LED Şerit Işıklar
Uzunluk: 16,4 ft / 5 metre
LED miktarı: metre başına 320/384/480/528 adet led
Çıkış: DC 12V veya 24V
Güç: Metre başına 8W/10W/10W/14W

1. COB'un Yeni Teknolojisi: Bu COB LED şerit ışığı, geleneksel şerit ışıklara kıyasla daha yüksek parlaklık ve daha yumuşak, lekesiz aydınlatma sağlarken bükülebilir ve birleştirilebilir.

2. Dayanıklı Doğrusal Aydınlatma: COB ışık şeridinin yapısal özellikleri nedeniyle, ışık yayan yüzey doğrusal bir kolloiddir, COB ışık şeridi tarafından yayılan ışık çok daha düzgün, doğrusal olmalı ve nokta içermemelidir.

3. 360° dönüş, bağlama ve kesme: Doğrusal aydınlatma eşit şekilde dağıtılır, 180° ışın açısı tasarımı, karanlık noktalar konusunda endişelenmenize gerek yoktur. LED şerit herhangi bir açıda (örneğin ±90° veya iki kez) bükülebilir. Bağlanabilir ve kesilebilir işlevler size büyük esneklik sağlayarak ihtiyacınız olan uzunluğu ve şekli elde etmenize olanak tanır. En güçlü 3M yapıştırıcısı ile 8mm genişliği sayesinde dar yerlere montajı kolaydır.

In commercial design, the image of refreshing, ideal, hope, and growth conveyed by green conforms to the demands of the service industry and health care industry. In the factory, in order to avoid eye fatigue during work, many working machines also use green. In medical institutions and places, green is often used for spatial color planning, that is, to mark medical supplies.

Bright green is a very beautiful and elegant color. It is vibrant and symbolizes life. Green is tolerant and generous, and can hold almost all colors. The use of green is extremely broad, whether it is childhood, youth, middle-aged, or old age, the use of green will never lose its liveliness and generosity. Green is inseparable in all kinds of paintings and decorations, and green can also be used as a casual color.

Infiltrating yellow into green is yellow-green, which is simple and young; infiltrating blue into green is blue-green, which is delicate and open-minded. The grayish green is still a tranquil and peaceful color, just like a forest in the twilight or a field in the morning mist. Dark green and light green are matched with a sense of harmony and tranquility; green and white are matched to look very young; light green and black are matched to look beautiful and generous

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Green LED Strip Lights-- Green COB Light Strips
Green LED Strip Lights-- Green COB Light Strips

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Green LED Strip Lights– Green COB light strips review